Sunday, 5 December 2010

Upper Limb Muscles: Origins, Insertions and Innervations. Summary of Joints.

Anatomy notes covering upper limb, with summary of origins, insertions and innervations of muscles. Also goes through joints (shoulder, glenohumeral joint, acromioclavicular joint, elbow joint and hand joints)

Here's an excerpt:

"The Superior Thoracic artery originates near the first rib and supplies the superior chest
muscles, the Thoraco-acromial originates as a trunk that pierces the costocoracoid
membrane with 4 branches: Clavicular, Acromial, Pectoral & Deltoid. The Lateral thoracic
artery runs on the lateral side of the chest on the Serratus anterior muscle with the Long
thoracic nerve. The Subscapular artery is the biggest branch and divides into 2 important
1. Circumflex scapular artery: which goes through the medial triangular space to the
dorsal scapular region around the lateral border of scapula to anastomose with the
Suprascapular artery (branch of the thyrocervical trunk of Subclavian artery) & the Dorsal
Scapular artery (branch of transverse cervical artery, found on the medial margin of
scapula) under the Infraspinatus muscle on the Infraspinatus fossa of the scapula.
Clinically, this is a very important anastomosis, in case of damage or obstruction of the
Axillary artery, the blood can still reach the upper limb via this anastomosis
2. Thoracodorsal artery: runs together with the Thoracodorsal nerve to supply the
Latissimus Dorsi muscle
The Anterior & Posterior Circumflex Humeral arteries anastomose also with each other
around the surgical neck of humerus. The posterior circumflex humeral artery goes behind the
neck of humerus via the Quadrangular Space together with the Axillary nerve & also
anastomosis inferiorly via the descending branch with the Profunda Brachii branch of the
brachial artery & superiorly with the Acromial artery via the ascending branch.

Don't drop out of school!